Director of the Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority, Arvind Bundhun, has released an official statement on behalf of the organisation to express his gratitude and continued support of its tourism partners in the country.
He called for collaboration during a challenging period for the industry caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
Bundhun said: “The world is going through an unprecedented crisis and despite all our efforts to prevent the entry of Covid-19 into Mauritian territory, we are today also confronted by this terrible invisible enemy.
“The Covid-19 pandemic questions the fragility of the sector, and we must stick together to face it.”
Mauritius has to date recorded nearly 150 cases of coronavirus, and five deaths.
Bundhun continued: “In these difficult times, I, as the director of the tourism office, would like to say to all of our partners that we are by their side.
“We recognise and cannot forget that they are the architects of the success of the tourism sector, especially for their support given to the promotion and development of this industry, which is today one of the key engines of economic growth in Mauritius.”
Tourism is a provider of approximately 100,000 direct and indirect jobs across Mauritius, accounting for around ten per cent of gross domestic product, or £1.3 billion, annually.
Bundhun continued: “I would like to thank all the operators who made courageous decisions and answered the call from the country.
“I would also like to thank at the same time the hotels who agreed to host the quarantined guests, the operators who transported them and the entire aviation sector, in particular Air Mauritius, which continued to provide services so that our visitors could return to their countries.
“My eternal gratitude also goes to the medical staff in Mauritius who are working on the front line to provide expert care to those in need.”
He highlighted the importance of collaboration during this challenging period: “During this difficult time, it is important to underline the solidarity which prevails between all industry players and the government.
“The ministry of finance has come up with a series of support measures which has as its main objective to safeguard jobs given that the strength of the Mauritian tourism sector is its people.”
Bundhun concluded with a word of support addressed to the regular visitors deprived of their favourite destination, hoping that they will be back soon.
“Very soon, the sun will rise again in the Mauritian sky, making our azure lagoons sparkle and warming our beaches.
“Soon you will be greeted once again with the smile of your Mauritian friends and our warm welcome.”
For all the latest from Breaking Travel News on the coronavirus pandemic, take a look here.
Bundhun calls for solidarity among Mauritian tourism industry | News